Packages not in Groups

tpm-tools: Management tools for the TPM hardware

Name:tpm-tools Vendor:StartCom Ltd.,
Version:1.3.1 License:CPL
Release:1.SEL5_2 URL:
tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more.

Arch: i386

Build Date:Mon Jun 2 22:00:15 2008
Packager:Eddy Nigg <[email protected]>
Size:479 KiB


* Mon May 26 01:00:00 2008 Eddy Nigg <eddy_nigg{%}startcom{*}org>
- Rebuild for StartCom Linux 5.0.x
* Thu Jan 17 00:00:00 2008 Steve Grubb <sgrubb{%}redhat{*}com> - 1.3.1-1
- Initial RHEL import.

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