Packages not in Groups

libX11: X.Org X11 libX11 runtime library

Name:libX11 Vendor:StartCom Ltd.,
Version:1.0.3 License:MIT/X11
Release:11.SEL5_3 URL:
X.Org X11 libX11 runtime library

Arch: i386

Build Date:Wed Sep 9 21:57:57 2009
Packager:Anatoly Metetes <[email protected]>
Size:2.77 MiB


* Wed Sep 9 01:00:00 2009 Anatoly Metetes <anatolym{%}startcom{*}org>
- Rebuild for StartCom Linux 5.0.x
* Fri Apr 24 01:00:00 2009 Peter Hutterer <peter{*}hutterer{%}redhat{*}com> 1.0.3-11.el5
- xim-atoms.patch: Increase number of Xim internal atoms to 50 (#437790)
* Thu Apr 23 01:00:00 2009 Peter Hutterer <peter{*}hutterer{%}redhat{*}com> 1.0.3-10.el5
- increase_makekeys.patch: Increase size of working arrays in the makekeys
  utility program to prevent build errors.
- keysyms.patch: add key symbols for various multimedia keys (#496184)

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