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gnome-python2: The sources for the PyGNOME Python extension module

Name:gnome-python2 Vendor:StartCom Ltd.,
Version:2.16.0 License:LGPL
Release:1.SEL5 URL:
The gnome-python package contains the source packages for the Python bindings for GNOME called PyGNOME. PyGNOME is an extension module for Python that provides access to the base GNOME libraries, so you have access to more widgets, a simple configuration interface, and metadata support.

Arch: i386

Build Date:Fri Mar 16 20:32:12 2007
Packager:Eddy Nigg <[email protected]>
Size:597 KiB


* Thu Mar 15 00:00:00 2007 Eddy Nigg <eddy_nigg{%}startcom{*}org>
- Rebuild for StartCom Linux 5.0.x
* Wed Sep 6 01:00:00 2006 Matthias Clasen <mclasen{%}redhat{*}com> - 2.16.0-1.fc6
- Update to 2.16.0
* Tue Aug 22 01:00:00 2006 Matthias Clasen <mclasen{%}redhat{*}com> - 2.15.91-1.fc6
- Update to 2.15.91

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