System Environment/Applications

tomcat55-webapps: Web applications for Jakarta Tomcat

Name:tomcat55-webapps Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:5.5.17 License:Apache Software License
Release:4jpp URL:
Web applications for Jakarta Tomcat

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Mon May 29 12:10:53 2006
Packager:Ralph Apel <[email protected]>
Size:7.48 MiB


* Tue May 30 00:00:00 2006 Ralph Apel <r.apel at> 0:5.5.17-4jpp
- Fix linking wrong of jasper5-* to jasper55-*, and catalina-ant5
  to catalina-ant55
- Include some checks and diagnostic output at user/group creation
* Wed May 17 00:00:00 2006 Ralph Apel <r.apel at> 0:5.5.17-3jpp
- Derive this package under new name for JPP-1.6
- Revert to generic BuildRequires jta
- Take care of avoiding any conflict with tomcat5-5.0.XY
* Tue May 16 00:00:00 2006 Fernando Nasser <fnasser{%}redhat{*}com> 0:5.5.17-2jpp
- Requires on post things that are linked to at post
  Merge changes from downstream:
- Fix line breaks in the tomcat5 init script
- Split preun section among main package and the two new subpackages
- Move catalina-ant*.jar to the server-lib subpackage to avoid circular
  dependency with the main package
- Remove leading zero from alternative priorities
- Rebuild with new classpath-mail as javamail alternative
- Update versions of dependencies and move them to library subpackages
- Use only jta from geronimo-specs

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