
oldlogi.crypto: A Java library for using strong encryption in your Java programs

Name:oldlogi.crypto Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:1.0.7 License:GPL
Release:2jpp URL:
logi.crypto is a non-certified 100% pure java library for using strong encryption in your java 1.1 programs. It includes tools for encryption and authentication and a framework for general cryptographic protocols. It is distributed with full source-code, since no-one can be expected to trust an encryption package without seeing the source.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Tue Aug 24 21:23:42 2004
Packager:Fernando Nasser <[email protected]>
Size:135 KiB

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Tue Aug 24 21:23:42 2004
Packager:Fernando Nasser <[email protected]>
Size:598 KiB


* Wed Aug 25 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Nasser <fnasser{%}redhat{*}com> 0:1.0.7-2jpp
- Pro-forma rebuild with Ant 1.6.2
* Wed May 7 00:00:00 2003 David Walluck <david{%}anti-microsoft{*}org> 0:1.0.7-1jpp
- release

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