
argouml: A UML design tool with cognitive support

Name:argouml Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:0.17.5 License:BSD
Release:4jpp URL:
The goal of the ArgoUML project is to build an object oriented design tool that is: - A joy to use (we really mean it), - Actually helpful to designers when they are making design decisions, - Completely open source Java, - Leading edge (supports the latest UML specifications), - Modular and extensible, - Integrated with the web and other Tigris tools.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Tue Feb 22 20:51:16 2005
Packager:David Walluck <[email protected]>
Size:2.64 MiB

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Tue Feb 22 20:51:16 2005
Packager:David Walluck <[email protected]>
Size:20.33 MiB


* Tue Feb 22 11:00:00 2005 David Walluck <david{%}jpackage{*}org> 0:0.17.5-4jpp
- own non-versioned javadoc symlink
- fix javadoc %post
* Tue Feb 22 11:00:00 2005 David Walluck <david{%}jpackage{*}org> 0:0.17.5-3jpp
- fix runtime CLASSPATH
- fix BuildRequires
- create argouml.log (if needed) on startup
* Tue Feb 22 11:00:00 2005 David Walluck <david{%}jpackage{*}org> 0:0.17.5-2jpp
- merge changelogs from previous versions

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