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Re: PW bugs

Den m�n, 04 okt 1999 skrev Ulric Eriksson:
> On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Johan Bengtsson wrote:
> > I'm using pw for the first time and here are some of observations:
> > (Note: I'm runniing Redhat 6.0 and installed a
> > binary relase: siag-Linux-i586-3.1.21.tar.gz)
> > 
> >  1. Every time I push the save button the box for choosing filename is
> > displayed, even if I have already choosen a filename. Also the statusbar at the
> > top of the pw window ins't updated with the new filename, it keeps on
> > displaying "noname.pw".
> The toolbar button calls (save-buffer-as), not (save-buffer). Can be
> changed in xsiag/window.c, function init_toolbar. This should really be in
> a Scheme module instead.
> The statusbar displays the buffer name, not the file name. The code is in
> csiag/window.c, function activate_window, if anyone wants to hack on it.

Since I don't anything about C programming yet I can't do anything about this,
but I have a suggestion: I have done a html editor (with Tcl/Tk) and if I
remember it right, my file_save proc works like this: When somebody presses the
save button, the proc checks if the filename is "Untitled" (in pw:s case this
would be "noname.pw") and if it is, it bring up the save as dialog. If not, it
just saves what's in the text widget to the right filename.

> > 2. If I highlight some text I can format it (switch to bold etc.), but if the
> > cursor is moved to another line it doesn't work, even if the text is still
> > highlighted.
> If the cursor (the point) is in the highlighted text (the block) the whole
> block is changed, otherwise only the point is affected. I don't think that
> is documented anywhere, but it is broken as designed.

I think it's essential to fix these bugs, this is pretty basic


> Ulric
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