Development/Libraries/Application Frameworks

jackrabbit: Apache Jackrabbit JCR Implementation

Name:jackrabbit Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:1.0 License:Apache Software License 2.0
Release:0.r321061.2jpp URL:
The Jackrabbit Project has been formed to develop an open source implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR), being specified within the Java Community Process as JSR-170. Day Software, the JSR-170 specification lead, has licensed an initial implementation of the JCR reference implementation for use as seed code for this project. JCR specifies an API for application developers (and application frameworks) to use for interaction with modern content repositories that provide content services such as searching, versioning, transactions, etc.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Mon Oct 24 18:36:44 2005
Packager:Ralph Apel <[email protected]>
Size:3.03 MiB

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Mon Oct 24 18:36:44 2005
Packager:Ralph Apel <[email protected]>
Size:2.34 MiB


* Mon Oct 24 12:00:00 2005 Ralph Apel <r.apel at> 0:1.0-0.r321061.2jpp
- Downgrade Requirement to spring11
* Wed Oct 19 12:00:00 2005 Ralph Apel <r.apel at> 0:1.0-0.r321061.1jpp
- First build from this codebase

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