Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

eclipse: An open extensible IDE

Name:eclipse Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:3.0.1 License:CPL
Release:9jpp URL:http://www.eclipse.org/
The Eclipse Platform is designed for building integrated development environments (IDEs) that can be used to create applications as diverse as web sites, embedded Java(tm) programs, C++ programs, and Enterprise JavaBeans(tm).

Arch: i386

Build Date:Sun Mar 13 23:44:49 2005
Packager:Sebastiano Vigna <vigna at acm.org>
Size:53.24 MiB


* Mon Feb 21 11:00:00 2005 David Walluck <david{%}jpackage{*}org> 0:3.0.1-9jpp
- s#popt-devel#%{_includedir}/popt.h#
* Thu Feb 17 11:00:00 2005 David Walluck <david{%}jpackage{*}org> 0:3.0.1-8jpp
- add popt-devel to BuildRequires
- don't add symlink for lucene parser.jar
- fix question mark in gtk makefile
- fix tomcat4 bootstrap.jar link
* Mon Jan 31 11:00:00 2005 David Walluck <david{%}jpackage{*}org> 0:3.0.1-7jpp
- add missing sources
- obsolete/provide eclipse-scripts

Listing created by RepoView-0.4.1